Beyond the Milky Way

Listen, under the silence of your mind

Where the stars twinkle

On the reflection of your tears of sorrow and joy

Like dazzling diamonds in morning dew

Above the horizon of your thoughts

Beyond, where desert dry sands start to moisten

And the Arctic ice refrains from melting

Where Amazon forests ripen and grow fearlessly

Spiders weave their magical webs

And the eagle glides and soars

Over fresh lands and moors

With cleaner oceans

And healing emotions

Singing joyfully through skies so clear

So crystal clear that Mars’ orange glow

Is what allows the beauty of flow

With a kiss from Venus and all the deities

To you my dear,

Beyond the Milky Way

Phamie Gow © 2020 April

A book of poems

Phamie is planning to publish a book of her poems. Please sign-up here to be notified when the book is released.