The World is Now

What is this world we’re living in

With flickering stars

And Venus the Goddess of love to my left

We’re apparently moving so fast in space

But all I can feel is stillness

And the whispering kiss of the wind

Are the stars simply reflections of our souls?

Constellations of our checkered hearts

Tattooed with past memories and joys

As humanity came to a hault

We’re perched on tip toes

Holding our breaths

Awaiting a new move and a released freedom

The lamps of homes

Light up the walled garden

Who would have known

That our homes would transform into monasteries

And places of worship

Is it the hand of God that touches us all

And reminds us of his greater force

And powers beyond human?

Or is nature simply teaching us more lessons

Of deep respect and what evolution is

To kick start a revolution

And a new way of thinking and being

An opportunity for mankind

To rely more on nature’s signs

So try and catch a shooting star

Then you’ll know you’ve won

The gift of life and living

© Phamie Gow April 2020

A book of poems

Phamie is planning to publish a book of her poems. Please sign-up here to be notified when the book is released.