Time on our Hands

We now have time on our hands

Like placing the globe upon our minds eyes

For once we’re all given the gift of being able to see clearly

To see what we have and see what might be lost

To feel what we have and to feel what might be lost

To touch what we have and touch what might be lost

So finally as one race, where no time exists other than this moment,

We wake up together

Each day and each nightIn fragility and in strength

With a simplified quietened mind

That appreciates the veil between life and death

That veil is the breath itself

But as we all take caution

And learn quickly

And bed down into the roots of the earth

We hold our breaths and hopes

That the wind will blow this disease

And dissolve

And transform it into a gift for humanity

A teaching to us all

About the raw tapestry of life

Of how interconnected we all are

Beyond Politics and ego of a moneyed man

For the essence of life is to love and care

And be compassionate to your fellow neighbour

So why the man made boundaries?

When nature is the master after all

Where all the Gods and Goddesses reside transparently

Allowing us to reach a point of stillness and equanimity

©Phamie Gow 23 March 2020

A book of poems

Phamie is planning to publish a book of her poems. Please sign-up here to be notified when the book is released.